5 Microadventure Ideas To Help Keep You Active
5 Microadventure Ideas To Help Keep You Active

5 Microadventure Ideas To Help Keep You Active

Written by Luke Green /

Are you like us and constantly looking for your next adventure but don’t have the budget or time to fit them into your day-to-day lives? If that is the case, have you ever thought to try a microadventure? To be put simply, a microadventure is an adventure that is short and sweet, yet is still thrill-seeking, exciting and challenging. A microadventure is perfect for anyone who may be new to trying outdoor activities and is looking to broaden their horizons and can be usually found straight out the front door. There are many microadventure ideas to try, that is why we have highlighted our 5 favourite microadventures that will feel should be top of your list, that will also keep you active...

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