Outfitters Ltd
Outfitters Ltd

About Us

Inspiring Adventures Since 2008.


Thoughtfully designed, technically superior.

Performance is at the heart of what we do. We want to get as many people out on the water and in the great outdoors as we can, with high-quality outdoor gear that can perform for everybody. Regardless of age or ability, our inflatable paddle boards, bags and robes can be relied upon in all conditions.

There’s literally nothing we quite like a Red Equipment adventure. Nobody sweats over the small stuff as much as we do. We don’t simply make cookie-cutter boards or flimsy changing robes and slap a logo on them. In fact, we’re the only paddle board manufacturer that operates from its own private facility - with a robust quality control system which means we have a return rate of just 0.02%.

Our story started with creating the very first Red Paddle Co board, when our founder John made sure that enjoyment was at the heart of the board experience. For him, paddleboarding was a relaxing and sociable way to enjoy the outdoors, requiring equipment that was fun and reliable to use. 

Now, more than ten years on, this ethos has helped us create a brilliant community of not just paddle boarders, but outdoor enthusiasts from all over the world. We’re supporting this group in every way they can, with the range of inflatable paddle boards this community knows and loves, as well as the most innovative waterproof bags and waterproof changing robes on the market.

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Outfitters Ltd


Watch our CEO and Co-Founder John Hibbard give an outlook on our mission to create the best paddle boards and outdoor equipment.
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Outfitters Ltd


Our dedication to making the best outdoor equipment possible is what led us to open the Red International Development Centre, our ideas factory. We have an awesome team here, who are all passionate about getting outdoors and involved in the development of the company.

At Red, we aren’t just in the outdoor kit and board-making industry – we’re in the industry of delivering experiences and creating memories. We’re part of a wider community and we’d love you to join us.
Outfitters Ltd
Outfitters Ltd

Meet the team

A team of paddle boarding enthusiasts who love to inspire others to get out on the water. We’re part of a wider community of SUP schools, retailers and paddle boarders who share a passion for adventure and new experiences.
Outfitters Ltd
Outfitters Ltd

Life at red

From our purpose-built facility in South Devon, we work hard and play hard. Whether designing new innovative products, or chilling on paddle-outs, life at Red Paddle Co is pretty awesome. Come see for yourself…