group of swimmers wild sea swimming in wetsuits
group of swimmers wild sea swimming in wetsuits

9 Winter Water Safety Tips For Wild Sea Swimming

Written by Alex Clasper /

Open water swimming will always hold some level of risk, however swimming in the sea during the winter can come with its own dangers. Colder temperatures, more dangerous waves and currents, and a lack of lifeguards can all make open water swimming more risky in the winter. That’s why winter water safety is so important. Following the necessary winter water safety advice will allow you to head out for a safe and enjoyable swim. So, before you head out for your next trip, make sure to consider the following winter water safety tips:

Choose Your Location Wisely

The sea can be a lot rougher in winter, which is why it’s so important to choose a sensible spot to swim. It can be harder to find swimming spots where there are lifeguards present during the winter, and so if you’re heading somewhere without lifeguard cover, make sure to check your entry and exit points. Will you be able to climb out easily in case of an emergency or if conditions change? You should also check for any hazards you might need to be aware of, such as dangerous rocky areas.

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