red original flask infront of Christmas tree
red original flask infront of Christmas tree

Get Outdoors this Christmas

Written by Alex Clasper /

The lull between Christmas and New Year is filled with an aftermath of delightful self-indulgence. Our bellies are full and the attraction of bunking down in the warmth to go into hibernation for a few days is oh so welcoming. We know that for outdoor lovers however, cabin fever sets in rather quickly as the company of inebriated aunts and uncles can all get a little too much. So we thought we’d share a few ideas on how you can tactfully get outdoors this Christmas season.

The Winter Picnic

It’s hard to escape without the entourage of the family with batteries to find for the kids new toys, or that lego set that appears to be much bigger in real life. It's hard to imagine that this time of year is a holiday. The picnic offers the ultimate pastime over the Christmas break. Fill up your Cool Bag with Christmas leftovers and away you go, it’s often said the best bit about Christmas food is the leftovers.

If you like your food warm the Cool Bag is perfect for baked potatoes or hot mince pies as it not only keeps cold things cold, but hot things hot! A hot picnic can be a great way of coaxing the family to some outdoor time. And hey! If you have to drag along the in-laws we suggest filling up your Water Bottle with hot mulled wine to soften the blow of having to spend so many hours in their company!

Pumping bike tyres with Pro-Change Jacket

The Pre-Dawn activity goer

We’re used to playing the stealthy at Christmas as our roles double up as Santa, the chef and the band of merry elves that make Christmas possible for our loved ones. Sneaking around comes naturally to us adults so we may as well sneak outdoors. A pre-breakfast run or bike ride gets the body set for the day. The grey mornings are pretty tough to get motivated, that's why we layer up with the Long Sleeve Performance top and Pro Change Robe to beat the chill. Once up and out you are rewarded with that feeling of accomplishment knowing that everyone else is sleeping off their food coma.

One of the many perks of getting out early is it allows you to rise with the day. You begin in darkness and enjoy the day gradually becoming lighter and take shape. Secondly it allows you to feel less guilty about the incoming party that will continue on New Years Eve. If you get organised, I fill up my water Bottle with a morning coffee that can provide a welcome treat as the sun comes up. So go on throw on your Long Sleeve Performance  top and lace up those trainers or jump on that bike.

Kids packing car

Bring the family 

Some of the best adventures over Christmas are shared with your family and friends. Sure, you may have to soften the adventure for Granny, and coax Uncle what’s-his-name with a water bottle filled with his favourite tipple but that's half the fun.

As habitual outdoor goes it is out of character to spend days constantly snacking. Incorporating some form of outdoor activity into the mix is a great way of keeping everyone happy whilst getting that much needed blow of fresh air. The final alternative to having an excuse to getting out is to get a dog…maybe we shall leave that for next year!

Share you Christmas Adventures with us at @redoriginalaccessories  or email them in to

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from the Red Original Team!

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