A Red Ride Out: Challenges in the Outdoors
A Red Ride Out: Challenges in the Outdoors

A Red Ride Out: Challenges in the Outdoors

Written by Luke Green /

One of our mantras here at Red is to make the outdoors and paddle boarding as welcoming and accessible for as many people as possible. Yet, we realise the outdoors in a general sense can be quite intimidating for a lot of people, whether that is due to barriers such as ability, background, culture, or religion. We have an opportunity as a brand to make things easier for people to get outside, to inspire people and give them the support they might need to access the outdoors and break down any barriers they might face.

So, when we came to choosing our theme for the first UK Red Ride Out of 2022, we wanted to embrace that commitment within the overall theme for the weekend and asked all our guests to consider what challenges or barriers they might have faced and how they may have personally challenged the status quo of the outdoor industry.

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